Thursday 5 March 2020

Unity Tutorial 06

                                   Unity Tutorial 6

Welcome to my blog  
Today I'm looking at more unity tutorials from the Unity website and I looked at three tutorials that all have to do with making the player jump in a game.

The first tutorial I looked at was "Lesson 3.1 - Jump Force "   this first tutorial is the basics of setting up the game and using coding to. make the player jump. In this first tutorial we learn how to jump and how to control the jump and then putting an obstacle in front on the player so they can jump over it.
The second tutorial I looked was "Lesson 3.2 - Make the World Whiz by" this tutorial I looked at how to make the background repeat so that the game keeps going and the player won't fall off the edge. 

the third tutorial I looked was "Lesson 3.3 - Don't Just Stand There" In this tutorial I looked at animation to make the player look like their jumping in the game. So I used animator tool to do this.

overall this tutorials helped me with making a player jump in a game and I can use this to make my own games.
Jamie Gannon