Saturday, 28 September 2019

Technology Tools

                                           Technology Tools

Welcome to my blog
There are lots of different technology tools and they all come in useful especially when in college and now that I'm able to explore and learn about these tools it makes college work more organised and easier to do.

 There are some technology tools I'm already familiar with liken blogging just like I'm doing now writing this post. I'm able to use this tool effectively by typing out my thoughts about stuff I'm being thought so that I will be more likely to remember it. Also, with people commenting on my post they are able to put useful comments to help fix mistakes or figure problems I'm having.
Image result for blogger
Bookmarking is also another tool that I'm familiar with but it's something I don't use enough but is something I should be using more. As it's a very useful tool to use because it will make my work more efficient. There's lots more technology tools I'm familiar with and not familiar with but I won't get into that now
.List of social bookmarking sites for SEO- TheWebomania
I find using these online technology tools is a new experience. Blogging is something I have only started doing recently and I enjoy doing it. Also, I never used Unity3D before and I'm looking forward to using it to make my own game. Using all these new tools is a new experience to me one which I'm interested in exploring more.
Image result for unity 3d

One the technology skills I'm looking to improve on is coding. I have always enjoyed coding in the way it's hard, frustrating and long but when you get figure out the right code all the works come together, and your product comes out great and there's a great sense of satisfaction. Now that I will be using Unity3D to make a game I hope that my coding skills will improve.

Overall there's a lot to learn about technology tools but I'm looking forward to learning more about them.


                         My thoughts on the assignments

One of the modules I'm studying is Multimedia. Now that I was able to read through my the way the assignments work in my module it's given me an idea of what the module will be like. 
One of the assignments I'm excited for is making a video game. I've been playing games since I was kid and I thought of ideas for games so this is giving a chance to use one of my ideas. I have always wonder what the process would be like to make a game so now that I'm able to make a game I will have that question answer for me.
Gettysburg College 3

Now I feel like this module is different from the rest of the modules I have done in the course because in this module we are making an interactive experience and making a video game is unlike anything else in the module. At the same time this module does have some similarities to some of the other modules I have done like "Web design"  in the fact that they both use coding to make something. In wed design we make a website while in we use Multimedia we use coding to make a video game. 
There is also some other similarities to other modules but I won't get into that now.
CC Search
One of the extra credit assignments I'm interested is the "Growth Mindset" which I find really interesting as you see on my blog on growth mindset.So I will find it interesting to explore this idea more and I hope to find out more about having a good mindset and this will give me the chance to do so and get extra credit for it.
week 40 - Mindful
CC Search
Overall I'm liking the look of the assignments to do in this module and look forward to doing the work.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Growth Mindset

                                 Growth Mindset

I just watch three videos on growth mind-set and then I did the growth mind-set challenges. This was something new to me and I never really thought about how people mind-sets work and I find this to be eye opening and it gave a new perspective how the process of learning and people’s mind-set.

First the videos I watched all the three videos and they had the professor Carol Dweck. In all her three videos her discus’s the way we learn and the two types of mind-sets people have.  As she said in the videos there are two types of mind-sets and they are a fixed-mind-set which is when a person believes that a person’s intelligence is set and it can’t be changed. So people feel stupid and they don’t want to try because they feel like they can’t get better so there intelligence will stay the same and they won’t want to learn as much. Then there is a growth mind-set which believes that there intelligence can grow and improve.  A person with a growth mind-set usually does better. So a growth mind set is the better mind-set to have. As Carol discuses in her video that the way we praise someone can affect a person’s mind-set. As she said the age from one to three the praise their given develops there mind-set. The best way to praise is too praise and award a person’s progress and not if they got the answer right. If you praise a person if getting an answer right they won’t improve and go for a challenge so they won’t increase their intelligence. While if you praise a person progress they will want a challenge and they will want to keep improving and work harder than a person with a mixed mind-set so their intelligence will improve.

Overall I enjoyed this process of watching the videos and finding out how people learn and this can help me in my own learning process.
Image result for carol dweck

Introduction to me

                                         ABOUT ME 

My name is Jamie Gannon; I’m twenty years old and currently living in Dunboyne. I am currently going to TUD in the Blanchardstown. I'm now in my second year studying Creative Digital Media and now that I’m looking back at last year I'm able to say that my favourite module last year had to be storytelling and narrative because I’m a huge fan of films and TV so being able to know how stories are written is something I enjoyed a lot and being able to write are own story then make it into our own short film gave me a lot of joy and I learned a lot from it. When I look back at last year I would say my biggest accomplishment is making my own website because I found this to a very long and challenging process. So when I figure out the right coding method to make my website I was happy to see my fully completed website. Overall I enjoy the course it’s the type of work I enjoy.  

Image result for storytelling


The sports I play are:
Muay Thai
Jiu Jitsu

I use to be not a fan of sports and use start some like football, GAA etc. but eventually after not playing a sport for a while I decide to start a self-defense sport and started Jiu Jitsu. From there I picked up the rest one by one and boxing turned out to be my favorite even though I have dyspraxia. It's still one of my favorite things to do.  

Image result for boxing

                                       Favorite films 

1. lord of the rings franchise
2.  Rocky/Creed franchise 
3. Warrior 
4. Kick ass
5. Shawshank redemption

                                     Favorite films

1. Game of thrones (shit ending and all)
2. Always sunny in Philadelphia
3. Breaking Bad 
4. Russian Doll 
5. Stranger Things


Image result for russian doll

I really enjoyed writing this post and just being able to express myself I enjoyed.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Workshop 1

                         The inner workings of traffic lights 

Traffic lights are something we all used nearly every day but the way it works is more complicated than you think. As a group pf two we tried to break down the four junction works with traffic lights. The way single traffic light works is simple:

Red means stop.

Amber means be ready to move.

Green means go.

So this is very simple but knowing how all the traffic lights work in a four way junction is more complicated and is something me and my group partner found difficult. So we drew a diagram of the inner workings of a four way junction works and from there we tried to figure the way the traffic lights work. So after a while of researching I was able to find a way that helped me find out the way the traffic light system works. I really enjoyed the group work and with the both of us trying to figure out the solution to the problem it thought how important group work can be. I was able to see the problem from a different perspective and we were able to solve the problem faster. With me being in a group we were able to solve the problem faster and show clearly how the traffic lights work on a four way junction and now I can look at a four way junction in a new way.  Now that i'm writing about this I'm able to look back at the whole process and see what I learned trying to solve the problem. This task put my problem solving skills to the test and find out how quick I can solve a problem and quick it will take me to solve a problem. I overall enjoyed this task we were given and I found it's better to work in groups.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Favorite Game

                                       The last of us 


The last is my favourite game for many reasons. It firstly as a great story to it that's not like another game. The characters drive the story and you able to connect with them. The two main characters and their relationship is what drives the story and makes you care about them. The side characters are also great addition to the game and adds to the story in their own way. The game play is also very engaging and very intense. The game play makes play smart and not just run into the action so it has a different type game play form other games. This game also has a great multiplayer section too it and after I completed the single player story mode i went straight  to this. The multiplayer takes the game play of the single player mode and it makes it playing with other players even more intense and enjoyable. The maps are also very well designed and suit the four vs four format. The multiplayer was addicting and that's a sign of a very good game.  The graphics in the game are amazing and gives the game realistic feel too it  and it's always a joy to look at. The game also has great acting and it's all sone using motion capture so it feels even more real.  So these reasons among others are the reasons I love this game. This is a 10 out of 10 game.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

My first post

It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
I bless the rains down in Africa