Saturday, 28 September 2019


                         My thoughts on the assignments

One of the modules I'm studying is Multimedia. Now that I was able to read through my the way the assignments work in my module it's given me an idea of what the module will be like. 
One of the assignments I'm excited for is making a video game. I've been playing games since I was kid and I thought of ideas for games so this is giving a chance to use one of my ideas. I have always wonder what the process would be like to make a game so now that I'm able to make a game I will have that question answer for me.
Gettysburg College 3

Now I feel like this module is different from the rest of the modules I have done in the course because in this module we are making an interactive experience and making a video game is unlike anything else in the module. At the same time this module does have some similarities to some of the other modules I have done like "Web design"  in the fact that they both use coding to make something. In wed design we make a website while in we use Multimedia we use coding to make a video game. 
There is also some other similarities to other modules but I won't get into that now.
CC Search
One of the extra credit assignments I'm interested is the "Growth Mindset" which I find really interesting as you see on my blog on growth mindset.So I will find it interesting to explore this idea more and I hope to find out more about having a good mindset and this will give me the chance to do so and get extra credit for it.
week 40 - Mindful
CC Search
Overall I'm liking the look of the assignments to do in this module and look forward to doing the work.

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