Thursday, 28 November 2019

Unity Free Tutorials

                                                           Unity Free Tutorials


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For this post I will be looking at more tutorials that will help me with my game that I found online.

The first tutorial video I looked at is “How to make a Health Bar (Unity 2D Tutorial for Beginners)” by Code Monkey this video will help me make health bar for my characters in my fighting game and the video even helps see how make game items like health bars. This video had helped me by letting me see how to control the health bar with the script.

The second tutorial I looked at is “Creating Game Character Hitboxes in Unity” by comphonia this is another video that has helped since I’m making a fighting game.  Having a hitbox is an important part in making a fighting. This video showed how to apply the hitboxes to my characters and apply damage to the characters. This helped as well because it showed me how to apply damage to different parts of the characters body. This makes the fighting game better because you hit characters in different areas of their body making the fighting more fun and challenging.
Image result for hitboxes
So overall both these videos helped me greatly and will help make my game.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Games Stories

                                    Story in games


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I will be looking over some readings. I will be looking at articles on the website Gamastura. These articles will have to do with story in games.

The first article I will be looking at is “Into the Woods: A Practical Guide to the Hero's Journey” by Bod Bates. In this article it talks about the type of story Hero’s journey. It talks about the games that use it like super Mario and the legend of Zelda. The hero’s journey is  “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” It also talks about how games with this story need a great villain.

The second reading talks about how game developers need to know more about story and to use in games more. It talks about how games can tell a story in different way compared to other mediums. It says in this article that “story is conflict” and I feel like that is true and is a good way to summarize what a story is.

The additional reading, I read was also on Gamastura. This article is called Should games have stories? By Soren Johnson This article talks about if games actual need a story and how the story and the gameplay would clash. The article goes into detail about how hard it can be to have a story in a game and having a good gameplay in the story as well.

Overall these articles talk about how important it is to have a story in a game and you have to be smart when making it so the story and the gameplay don’t clash.

Monday, 18 November 2019

Week 9 Progress

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Today I’m looking back at my progress so far. Thought out the year I have been writing blog posts and been working on the game I’m making and have done a lot of work on these. All of this work adds up to give me points for my module “Multimedia Development”.

So far I’m happy with my progress last them I checked I had 135 points out of 328. Now this isn’t the best but so far I’m between a B and C grade and I’m happy with that. I usually try to get all the main assignments done for the week but some types the work is too much and I don’t have time to get them done. I have tried making a timetable around for the week, but it never works out due all the work I get and to much of it is at the same time. So making a timetable never really works out. The assignments I enjoy the most are the blog comments because they are good for me to get to know the other students as well as learn from to help me with my own project. I am starting to do the extra credit assignments even more now because they help me get points I’m missing because sometimes I can’t do some the assignments given to me and it helps relieve some of the stress.

For the second half of this semester I’m going to take some advice given to me by 4th year student which is to go in for college for 9 and stay till 6 everyday and do the college work the whole day this will help get more of the work done and not worry about it when I get home.
Overall I think I’m doing well but I still need to improve to help me finish the semester.
Image result for rocky yo adrian
Rocky wining in rocky 2 gives me motivation. 

Review Week Comments and Feedback

                              Comments and Feedback

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If you read my blog posts you can see that my I have written posts about the project I have been making. I also have been writing blog comments on other students of mine blogs. These blogs are also about the project they are making, and I am writing these to give them feedback so they can improve their projects. The other students have also been doing the same thing for me so they are able to give me helpful feedback and I am able to learn from there feedback so I can improve my own project so this works well for all the students. So not only am I learning from their comments and I am also learning something from they by reading their blogs on their project.

Getting comments on my blog post have been most helpful and has helped me learn a lot. The best comments I get are from the posts I made for my project. The comments I usual get tell what I’m doing right and why they like the idea, but I also get told on their confused about and how I could make it clearer. This helps with my writing skills and helps me become more descriptive with my writing so those type of comments help. Another type pf comment I get is how I can I what I can do to make my project better this can range from helpful advice like to change aspects of my project or to use certain YouTube tutorials to help with my project. All these types of comments have been helping improve my writing skills and help me improve my project.
Image result for feedback
I have also been writing comments to other students to help them with their project and other blog posts they have made. When I’m commenting on their blog posts for their project I use the TAG method. So I first tell them something I like about their post and project. I then ask them a question about something I’m confused about and then give them some advice. Not only does this help them it also helps me by looking at their project and seeing what they did right and then I would apply that to my own project. So leaving comments on other peoples blogs is helping them and me.

I like the reading comments written to me about my other posts like my introduction post. I still like my introduction post because it let me just talk about myself and the comments left showed people are getting to know and they found what I had to say was interesting.

I hope I can learn more form the comments I receive from the other students and this can help me improve my project even more. So I will try to read more of the comments I receive and use them to improve my project. Overall I enjoy the comments and feedback I get and I also like doing them.

Week 9 Reading and Writing

                              looking back at the readings

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If you read my blog, you can see that I have written posts about readings I have read. So far I have done 8 posts on readings I read. This range from readings about growth mindset to readings about what makes a game fun. All these readings are lifted from different place like websites like Gamasutra. These readings talk about all different things but they mostly have to do with game development. The readings go through all the stages and aspects of game development so through every reading I read I’m able to learn more about game development.

I enjoy going through these readings and writing a blog about them. I have read though a good few articles and written blogs about them. When I read them and write about them it gives me a good understanding of the articles and I am to remember the article as well. This helps me with my own game development.

My favourite reading so far is on “introduction to games and game design” this reading I found the most interesting because it gave me a good understanding of what games are like and they are developed. Not only is this interesting but it has also helped me with making my own game. The reading goes into detail about how games are developed and the stages of making a game. I t really gives you a good view of what making a game is like. So overall this is my favorite reading.
This reading talks about what games are like and how rules are important in it.

These readings for the most part these readings are helping me developed my own game. From telling how game development starts and works to important parts of game development like how there must be rules in games so the game will be fun. I’m learning a lot from these readings and I’m starting to apply these to my game like how I should add some rules to my game more fun and easier for players to play. It has also thought me all the steps I need to do before I even make my game.

So far my game project I something I find difficult. My idea for my game is to ambitious and I won’t be able to make the game I want to with the limited time I have so I will to make a less version of game. This is not what I wanted but I must do it.

If I want to get more out of these readings, I need to make a better timetable and plan out a time I can read and about the readings without being in a rush. This will help me not being in a rush doing the readings and I’m able to more out of the readings.
Overall I enjoy the readings and it has helped me a lot through the year and it has helped me make my game.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Wikipedia Trail


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Today I am looking at Wikipedia. I will start by picking something on Wikipedia that has to do with my module “multimedia development”. After I pick my first Wikipedia article it will read through it and I will find another link from that article to another Wikipedia article and do this until I get to the fourth article.
The first article I read was on the game making platform Unity. I picked this article because I’m currently making a game using unity and this article told me a lot about unity, who and when it was created. It gave me a good insight on what the platform is like and its origins.
Image result for unity
The article I picked from the unity article was “PlayStation 4” I picked this from the unity article is because it’s something I have myself so I have an interest in it and I wanted to know  more about it. I read about its origins and how it competes with Xbox. It also talks about the aspects the PlayStation. I found this article to be an interesting read.
Image result for playstation 4
From the PlayStation article I found an article on YouTube I picked this article because YouTube is something is use a lot for learning and entertainment so it’s something I have an interest in.
Image result for youtube
The next article was on Logan Paul This article talks about how he first started on vine and then how he is now youtuder. It also talks about his controversy he had with showing a dead body in his video. It then went on to talk about his boxing matches with ksi. I don’t like Logan Paul but I do find him interesting.
Image result for logan paul
Overall I liked doing this article searching it was new and interesting.

Friday, 15 November 2019

tech task new template

                                       New template


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As you can see I have changed how my blog looks. I did this because I wanted to give my blog a new look. I wanted to make my blog more visual interesting and I found that giving my blog a new look was the best of way of doing this. I feel the new simple look is much better than it was originally. This not only gives my blog a more visual appealing look but it also makes it more professional.

I like the new black colour it’s simple but it looks better. Sometimes the simple way is the best way. I also like the way the black lines are added to the background on the blog. It gives it a more appealing design. The use of the blacker squares is also something I find visual appealing. The text sticks out and catches the viewers eye because it sticks out from the white.

Overall I like my new design it’s something new, is visual appealing and is professional looking.