Monday 18 November 2019

Week 9 Reading and Writing

                              looking back at the readings

Welcome to my blog
If you read my blog, you can see that I have written posts about readings I have read. So far I have done 8 posts on readings I read. This range from readings about growth mindset to readings about what makes a game fun. All these readings are lifted from different place like websites like Gamasutra. These readings talk about all different things but they mostly have to do with game development. The readings go through all the stages and aspects of game development so through every reading I read I’m able to learn more about game development.

I enjoy going through these readings and writing a blog about them. I have read though a good few articles and written blogs about them. When I read them and write about them it gives me a good understanding of the articles and I am to remember the article as well. This helps me with my own game development.

My favourite reading so far is on “introduction to games and game design” this reading I found the most interesting because it gave me a good understanding of what games are like and they are developed. Not only is this interesting but it has also helped me with making my own game. The reading goes into detail about how games are developed and the stages of making a game. I t really gives you a good view of what making a game is like. So overall this is my favorite reading.
This reading talks about what games are like and how rules are important in it.

These readings for the most part these readings are helping me developed my own game. From telling how game development starts and works to important parts of game development like how there must be rules in games so the game will be fun. I’m learning a lot from these readings and I’m starting to apply these to my game like how I should add some rules to my game more fun and easier for players to play. It has also thought me all the steps I need to do before I even make my game.

So far my game project I something I find difficult. My idea for my game is to ambitious and I won’t be able to make the game I want to with the limited time I have so I will to make a less version of game. This is not what I wanted but I must do it.

If I want to get more out of these readings, I need to make a better timetable and plan out a time I can read and about the readings without being in a rush. This will help me not being in a rush doing the readings and I’m able to more out of the readings.
Overall I enjoy the readings and it has helped me a lot through the year and it has helped me make my game.

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