Monday 18 November 2019

Week 9 Progress

Welcome to my blog
Today I’m looking back at my progress so far. Thought out the year I have been writing blog posts and been working on the game I’m making and have done a lot of work on these. All of this work adds up to give me points for my module “Multimedia Development”.

So far I’m happy with my progress last them I checked I had 135 points out of 328. Now this isn’t the best but so far I’m between a B and C grade and I’m happy with that. I usually try to get all the main assignments done for the week but some types the work is too much and I don’t have time to get them done. I have tried making a timetable around for the week, but it never works out due all the work I get and to much of it is at the same time. So making a timetable never really works out. The assignments I enjoy the most are the blog comments because they are good for me to get to know the other students as well as learn from to help me with my own project. I am starting to do the extra credit assignments even more now because they help me get points I’m missing because sometimes I can’t do some the assignments given to me and it helps relieve some of the stress.

For the second half of this semester I’m going to take some advice given to me by 4th year student which is to go in for college for 9 and stay till 6 everyday and do the college work the whole day this will help get more of the work done and not worry about it when I get home.
Overall I think I’m doing well but I still need to improve to help me finish the semester.
Image result for rocky yo adrian
Rocky wining in rocky 2 gives me motivation. 

1 comment:

  1. well a good day to you James!

    Well i am glad that you think that you have made a good amount of progress since starting this module of the intricate world of game design. I know the dealings that it can be difficult to have a schedule planned out when suddenly everything get's thrown out of place due to the likes of work and other assignments and stuff like that (trust me I know the situation as I have been trying t work around getting stuff done while working through multiple lengthy shift in work) but I feel that no matter what that I still think that you have made a very valiant effort in what you have done since then and I hope that it continues till the very end of the module. Keep up the great work.

